IT Support Blog

Is Your Manufacturing IT Infrastructure on the Verge of Collapse? Discover How One Company Became an Industry Leader with Next Level Technologies' IT Support

Is Your Manufacturing IT Infrastructure on the Verge of Collapse? Discover How One Company Became an Industry Leader with Next Level Technologies' IT Support

August 24, 2023

In the fiercely competitive manufacturing landscape, a reliable and efficient IT infrastructure is the backbone of success. Next Level Technologies, a trailblazer in managed IT and support services, recently showcased their prowess by transforming a struggling 20-person manufacturing company in Jackson, OH. By utilizing their expertise in cybersecurity, network management, device management, cloud technology, and data backup and recovery, Next Level Technologies not only resolved the client's pressing issues but also positioned themselves as an industry leader delivering comprehensive IT solutions.

A Resolute Approach to IT Challenges:

The Issue:

The manufacturing company faced a myriad of challenges, from random disconnects and slow performance to inconsistent user experiences. Blaming their aging IT infrastructure, they were presented with an expensive proposition by a competitor: a complete overhaul, including the replacement of all IT equipment with brand-new servers hosted in an external data center and the implementation of Meraki networking equipment. The steep upfront cost of $20,000 and ongoing monthly fees of $1500, along with support expenses, seemed daunting for the client.

Next Level Technologies' Innovative Solution:

Taking a proactive approach, Next Level Technologies conducted a comprehensive assessment of the existing infrastructure. To their surprise, they discovered that the networking equipment was sufficient, but administrative credentials had been lost. Additionally, the server equipment was still well within its lifecycle but lacked proper maintenance. Equally alarming was the absence of a reliable backup solution, leaving the company vulnerable to ransomware attacks and server failures.

To tackle these challenges head-on, Next Level Technologies introduced their revolutionary Next Level Full Support service, an all-encompassing flat-rate solution. Forgoing any onboarding fee, the team leveraged the client's existing infrastructure, diligently cleaning it up, and providing ongoing support. They expertly reset and reconfigured the networking equipment, resulting in enhanced performance. Moreover, Next Level Backup and Continuity solution was seamlessly deployed, enabling hourly backups to an on-premise backup server (free of charge) and nightly off-site backups to immutable cloud storage, ensuring data safety and redundancy.

Reaping the Rewards of Next Level Support:

The Impact:

Next Level Technologies' intervention had a profound impact on the client's operations. The manufacturing company witnessed a remarkable improvement in productivity and efficiency following the resolution of performance issues. Notably, Next Level Technologies empowered the client to maximize their initial IT investment by breathing new life into their existing infrastructure. With Next Level Full Support in place, the client gained the peace of mind that their IT environment was professionally managed, with proactive measures in place to address issues before they escalate.

Next Level Technologies' successful partnership with the manufacturing company in Jackson, OH exemplifies their unwavering dedication to providing cutting-edge IT solutions. Their expertise in cybersecurity, network management, device management, cloud technology, and data backup and recovery has firmly established them as an industry leader. By adeptly optimizing existing infrastructure, addressing critical vulnerabilities, and delivering comprehensive support, Next Level Technologies has set a new standard in the IT support arena.

Next Level Technologies' remarkable achievement in transforming the 20-person manufacturing company in Jackson, OH showcases their unrivaled ability to revolutionize IT support for businesses. Armed with a robust and efficient IT infrastructure, manufacturing companies can confidently navigate the future, knowing that Next Level Technologies is the trusted partner that will ensure their success. With our exceptional expertise, proactive solutions, and commitment to excellence, Next Level Technologies has truly earned their place as a trailblazer in the IT support industry, empowering clients to lead their respective sectors with confidence and resilience.

Are you ready to revolutionize your manufacturing company's IT infrastructure and become an industry leader? Don't wait for disaster to strike! Embrace the future with confidence and partner with Next Level Technologies today. Our cutting-edge IT solutions, including cybersecurity, network management, device management, cloud technology, and data backup and recovery, will ensure your business stays ahead of the competition. Take the first step towards success and contact us now for a personalized consultation. Your journey to a secure and efficient IT environment starts here!

Next Level Technologies

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