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ITaaS vs. Saas: Which Is Right for Your Business?

ITaaS vs. Saas: Which Is Right for Your Business?

October 12, 2021

Did you know that managed IT services for small businesses are a half-trillion-dollar industry? And that 85% of companies surveyed believed that utilizing cloud-based services allows them to scale faster?

If you're wondering what the best solution is for your business, then you're in the right place. Keep reading to learn all about ITaaS and the many benefits it can provide your company.

What Is ITaaS?

Many companies choose to outsource certain services to save money. However, you don't have to outsource overseas to see substantial price savings. We're showing businesses around Columbus, Ohio, and around the world how ITaaS can save them money every day.

Historically, internal IT departments have secured the technological aspect of businesses from within. However, with the many advances in cloud computing, this new IT infrastructure has changed the way many businesses operate.

Contrary to popular belief, ITaaS doesn't mean your traditional IT department is now online. Instead, it encompasses a new operating model in which businesses can purchase exactly the services they need. This change has allowed many businesses to reduce their IT budgets considerably.

Simply put, ITaaS is a third-party vendor, such as Next Level Technologies, that provides businesses of all sizes the exact operational IT solutions they need.

When you work with an ITaaS company, you can choose among the many services they offer and only pay for what your business needs. With this new infrastructure, your business benefits from not having to invest in considerable upfront costs that come with traditional IT.

Instead, use the structure already in place and enjoy the convenience of scaling up or down as needed. The subscription-based pay model allows you to benefit from immediate access at a fraction of the initial cost.

Benefits of Cloud Solutions for IT in Columbus, OH

From hardware to software and continual support, it can be difficult to invest in traditional IT solutions. That's why many businesses are exploring new solutions-based services for their IT management. Small to medium business owners and solo practitioners alike have all seen the many benefits of ITaaS.

From peace of mind with daily backups and cybersecurity monitoring to the ability to access your company files anywhere, the benefits are endless for ITaaS. Here are some more of the many advantages our clients see every day:

  • Standardized processes
  • Flexible delivery solutions
  • Proactive cybersecurity monitoring
  • Reduced initial costs
  • Increased scalability and flexibility

When you choose to work with an ITaaS platform, you can benefit from their expertise without the hefty investment. You can rest easy knowing your business is secure. And your customers can trust you with their personal information and keeping it secure as well.

This peace of mind is priceless when it comes to running a successful business. Businesses today need their technology to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. And trusting your IT to a professional service is paramount to growing a successful business today.

Regardless of your business goals, you need IT to help you succeed. And you want your IT solution to cost less and offer you more. As you can see, your business can benefit greatly from choosing an IT cloud-based platform for your technology needs.

Pros and Cons of ITaaS vs SaaS

The biggest difference between ITaaS and SaaS is where you house your solutions. The SaaS model uses a ready-made application to house your information. While an ITaaS model allows you to create your own solutions using their platform.

The SaaS solution offers one application to handle the tasks you need. This includes customer management, sales management, email management, and your billing needs. Whereas a managed ITaaS can offer everything from hosting to security to the physical hardware that you need.

Additionally, an ITaaS doesn't simply monitor your security and then send you a report. Instead, they make suggestions and offer the solutions you need. This ensures that your business is always at the forefront of technological changes and upgrades.

The best example for comparing ITaaS vs SaaS would be where you store your important documents for your business. You could choose a SaaS solution such as Dropbox and store all your files with their platform.

The disadvantage is that you're limited to their configurations. You can't customize aspects such as functionality or integrations.

With an ITaaS solution for your document storage needs, you could use a platform such as AWS, or our Next Level Hub, to create your own data center to store your documents. You would have full control over the configuration, security, and integrations with the rest of your tech stack.

Our ITaaS model gives you the most control and customization for your business needs. The resources you need are always available with full flexibility to scale whenever your business is ready to grow.

Let the Cloud Take Your Business Tech to the Next Level

Business technology is imperative in today's market. However, your IT budget doesn't have to balloon to out-of-control levels. You can uplevel your business without the hefty price tag through ITaaS.

When you partner with the right company, you know that your business, your data, and your hardware are all up to date and secure. And when you take a proactive approach to secure the right tools and experts for the job, you can take your tech to the next level.

We've been helping businesses in and around Columbus, Ohio for years. And we can help your business too, regardless of where you're located or what IT solutions your business needs. To see how we can help you, contact us today.

Next Level Technologies

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